God Is Our Light

"Lonely or fearful 27"

 Read Psalm 27. http://www.esvbible.org/Psalm%2027/ 

The author of this poem has enemies, he has troubles to make him afraid but he knows what to do. What is his answer? Don’t worry about the trouble, instead focus on God. God is the light at the end of the tunnel. This Psalm tells us what we need to know and to do. If you are fearful, write these things as lists and check them off as you pray about each one. Make them personal.

Sun Through Trees

God is my light.

I know that God is  ☐ my light, ☐ my salvation, and ☐ my fortress.                                                                       

I ask Him ☐ to keep me in His presence always, ☐ to hear me when I cry, ☐ to not hide His face, ☐ to not turn away in anger, ☐ to not leave me, ☐ to not abandon me, ☐ to teach me, ☐ to lead me on straight and flat roads, ☐ to not surrender me to enemies.

I know that He will ☐ hide my soul in His presence, ☐ lift me safely above the danger, and ☐ take care of me. ☐I will praise Him! I will ☐ praise Him even when it feels like a sacrifice, ☐ praise Him with shouts of joy, ☐ praise Him with singing, and ☐ praise Him with music.

We seek Him, we believe we will see Him, we wait with hope and strength and courage for that light at the end of the tunnel. In The Long Winter, read “Four Days Blizzard.” What effect did singing praise songs during the storm have? How did God hide the souls of the Ingalls family in His presence?

How about singing along with one of the songs Laura and her family sang in the chapter you just read? The melody is different than the one they sang but this is a good one to learn. Go to Psalm 48, the first two verses, to find the words for this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5G-ksXw2RA

© Cynthia Einselen 2018